Below is a list of available math functions you can use in PhySyCalc.
Function | Description | |
acos | inverse cosine of x | |
acosh | inverse hyperbolic cosine of x | |
asin | inverse sine of x | |
atan | inverse tangent of x | |
atanh(x) | inverse hyperbolic tangent of x | |
cos(x) | cosine of x | |
cosh(x) | hyperbolic cosine of x | |
sin(x) | sine of x | |
sinh(x) | hyperbolic sine of x | |
tan(x) | tangent of x | |
tanh(x) | hyperbolic tangent of x | |
exp(x) | exponential of x | |
ln(x) | natural logarithm of x | |
log(x) | base 10 logarithm of x | |
conj(x) | complex conjugate of x | |
creal(x) | real part of x | |
cimag(x) | imaginary part of x | |
carg(x) | argument part of x | |
sqrt(x) | square root of x | |
cbrt(x) | cubed root of x | |
qtrt(x) | quartic root of x | |
reduce(x) | reduce units | |
aw[element symbol] | atomic weight of element | |
fw[chemical formula] | formula weight of chemical formula | |
abundance[isotope symbol] | isotopic weight of isotope | |
γ_I[isotope symbol] | gyromagnetic ratio of isotope | |
μ_I[isotope symbol] | nuclear magnetic dipole moment of isotope | |
Q_I[isotope symbol] | nuclear electric quadrupole moment of isotope | |
nmr[isotope symbol] | reduced gyromagnetic ratio of isotope | |
spin[isotope symbol] | spin of isotope |